Emergency call points
These alarms are used for an intended transmission of distress emergency information when a person inside a building is endangered, whether life, health, or any other condition directly endangering his or her integrity. The signal from the detector can be defined as loud, silent (panic), or other (special actions).
Emergency call points designed by SAFE-Security and Future Energy ™ / SENTROL have a built-in LED indicator (green, blue, yellow), which has several meanings: 1. better traceability of the emergency call point (TH) in space (unless it is to be strictly concealed or and 2. lighting of the surroundings of the TH / endangered area and thus facilitate orientation in the event of a lighting failure or in rooms without windows (toilet, bathroom, cellar, safe room, etc.).
In addition, SAFE ™ / SENTROL alarms have a built-in microswitch (openable eg with a toothpick, micropencil, or by another thin tool) that deactivates the red alarm LED without the necessity of disconnecting the TH's power supply to the intrusion control panel. This returns the detector to its initial state.
In general, we recommend installing the TH at eye level (approx. 160 cm from the floor), in the case of a toilet or bathroom installation up to approx. 50 cm above the floor or at the edge of the bathtub. A person who could be injured by a fall (especially seniors) could not reach the TH at 160 cm from the ground and call for help.
It may seem paranoid to someone, but it is better to have emergency alarms installed in a normal home (apartment) and never need them, than to not have them and need them in distress!
Rukou ovládaný tísňový hlásič - aktivace vyklopením - bez LED indikace - bez paměti poplachu - NC kontakt - bez napájení (pasivní NC) - Grade 2
In stock (1 pcs)
16,38 €
ELM-PA-G3-W (Elmdene, U.K.)
Mechanické panikové tlačítko - drátové připojení - dvojtlačítková verifikace - vestavěné EOL rezistory - paměť poplachu - reset klíčkem - montáž na pevnou plochu - Grade 3
In stock (3 pcs)
24,77 €
Rukou ovládaný tísňový hlásič - aktivace vyklopením - LED indikace - paměť poplachu - NC/NO kontakt - napájení 12V DC z ústředny EZS - Grade 3
In stock (2 pcs)
40,10 €
Rukou ovládaný tísňový hlásič - aktivace vyklopením - optický princip - LED indikace - paměť poplachu - NC/NO kontakt - napájení 12V DC z ústředny EZS - Grade 4
In stock (7 pcs)
44,09 €
DC301 (UTC Fire&Security, USA)
Detektor poslední bankovky - NO/NC kontakt - jazýčkové relé - montáž do pokladní přihrádky
In stock (1 pcs)
45,35 €
Tísňový hlásič SENTROL 3040/SR - úprava SAFE™ - rukou ovládaný tísňový hlásič - pro vysoká rizika - LED pro snadnou identifikaci hlásiče v prostoru - aktivace vyklopením - LED indikace poplachového stavu - paměť poplachu - reset mikrospínačem - NC/NO kontakt - napájení 12V DC z ústředny EZS - Grade 3
In stock (1 pcs)
54,17 €
PREMIER Elite PA DP-W (Texecom, U.K.)
Bezdrátové panikové tlačítko - 868 MHz - dvojtlačítková verifikace - paměť poplachu - montáž na pevnou plochu - Grade 2
On request
112,71 €